item | description | category | filter | more on... |
ACF | A Credit Fiasco | Business/General |
ACF | Academic Competition Federation | Edu./Universities |
ACF | Academic Competition Foundation | Edu./Universities |
ACF | Access Control Facility | Governmental/Military |
ACF | Access Control Field | Uncategorized |
ACF | Access Control File | IT/Security |
ACF | Access Coordination Function | IT/Telecom |
ACF | Activated Carbon Filter | Business/Products |
ACF | Actual Cubic Feet | Misc/Unit Measures |
ACF | Administration for Children and Families | Governmental/US Gov. |
ACF | Administration for Children and Families | Educational/GENERAL |
ACF | Adobe Custom Filter (Adobe PhotoShop) | IT/File Extensions |
ACF | Adobe Custom Filter (Adobe PhotoShop) | IT/File Extensions |
ACF | Advanced Communication Facility | IT/General |
ACF | Advanced Communications Facility | IT/Telecom |
ACF | Advanced Communications Function | Uncategorized |
ACF | Advanced Communications Function | IT/Networking |
ACF | Advocate Charitable Foundation | Non-Profit Organizations |
ACF | African Clawed Frog | Medical/Veterinary |
ACF | Agriculture Christian Fellowship | Medical/Veterinary |