item | description | category | filter | more on... |
ASC | Accounting Service Center | Misc/USPS |
ASC | Accredited Standards Committee | Uncategorized |
ASC | Accredited Standards Committee | IT/General |
ASC | Achieve Speaking Confidence | Misc/Toastmasters |
ASC | Acoustic Seabed Classification | Edu./Ocean Science |
ASC | Actuated Signal Control | Other/Transportation |
ASC | Adaptive Speed Control | Other/Transportation |
ASC | Additional Sense Code | IT/Assembly |
ASC | Adhesive and Sealant Council | Business/Prof. Org. |
ASC | Administrative Support Center | Edu./Ocean Science |
ASC | ADPCM Stereo C | Edu./Electronics |
ASC | Advanced Scientific Computer | Uncategorized |
ASC | Adventure Science Center | Other/Museums |
ASC | Aeronautical System Center | Governmental/Military |
ASC | African Studies Centre | Edu./Universities |
ASC | Afrika-Studiecentrum/African Studies Centre | Regional/African |
ASC | Air Standards Coordinating Committee | Governmental/Military |
ASC | Alberta Securities Commission | Business/Stock Exchange |
ASC | Alt Smokers Cigars | Chat and Slang |
ASC | Alt Startrek Creative | Chat and Slang |