item | description | category | filter | more on... |
AVA | Adaptec Value Adapter | IT/Hardware |
AVA | Advance | Other/Housing |
AVA | Advanced Vision and Audio | Business/Products |
AVA | Air Volume Adjuster | Business/Products |
AVA | Aleatoric Variation Algorithm | IT/Databases |
AVA | Alliance of Visual Artists | Non-Profit Organizations |
AVA | Amateur Voice Acting | Other/Performing Arts |
AVA | Amateur Voice Actor | Business/Positions |
AVA | Amazon Valley Academy | Edu./Universities |
AVA | American Vocational Association | Educational/GENERAL |
AVA | American Volkssporting Association | Radio Stations |
AVA | Approved Viticultural Area | Misc/Farming |
AVA | Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists (UK) | Medical/Veterinary |
AVA | Attribute Value Assertion | IT/Assembly |
AVA | Audio Video Alarms | Business/Firms |
AVA | Audio Visual Aids | Business/Firms |
AVA | Audio Visual Authoring (IBM) | Uncategorized |
AVA | Augusta Volleyball Association | Non-Profit Organizations |
AVA | Australian Veterinary Association | Medical/Veterinary |
AVA | Automated Virus Analysis | IT/Security |