item | description | category | filter | more on... |
CDI | C D I Corporation | Business/General |
CDI | Caldwell Development, Inc. | Business/Firms |
CDI | California Department of Insurance | Other/States-Local |
CDI | Can't Do It | Governmental/Military |
CDI | Capacitor Discharge Ignition | Other/Transportation |
CDI | Career Development Interview | Business/Positions |
CDI | Center For Defense Information | Governmental/Military |
CDI | Certified Deaf Interpreter | Misc/Awards & Medals |
CDI | CHESS Depository Interest | Business/General |
CDI | Church Development Institute | Other/Religion |
CDI | Classification, Discrimination and Identification | Governmental/Military |
CDI | Collector-Diffusion Isolation | Edu./Electronics |
CDI | Common Dumbass Interface | Uncategorized |
CDI | Compact Disc Interactive | IT/General |
CDI | Compact Disk - Interactive | Uncategorized |
CDI | Compact Disk Interactive | IT/General |
CDI | Compact Disk Interactive (Phillips CD-I IFF file) | IT/File Extensions |
CDI | Compact Disk Interactive (Phillips CD-I IFF file) | IT/File Extensions |
CDI | Computational Diagnostics Incorporated | Business/Firms |
CDI | Concours de Dressage International | Radio Stations |