item | description | category | filter | more on... |
CIC | Cadet In Charge | Governmental/Military |
CIC | Cadet Instructor Cadre | Other/States-Local |
CIC | Cadet Instructors Cadre | Governmental/Military |
CIC | Cambodian Information Center | Non-Profit Organizations |
CIC | Campus Improvement Committee | Edu./Universities |
CIC | Cancel If Close | IT/Assembly |
CIC | Carrier Identification Code | IT/Telecom |
CIC | Carson, Inc. | Business/General |
CIC | Cascaded Integrated Comb | Edu./Electronics |
CIC | Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway | Regional/Railroads |
CIC | Census Industry Center | Edu./Universities |
CIC | Census Industry Classification | Business/General |
CIC | Central Intelligence Corporation | Business/Firms |
CIC | Certification in Infection Control | Medical/Hospitals |
CIC | Certified Insurance Counselor | Business/Positions |
CIC | Chamber of Industry and Commerce | Business/General |
CIC | Change Identification Number | Governmental/Military |
CIC | Chartered Investment Council | Business/Stock Exchange |
CIC | Chartered Investment Counselor | Business/Accounting |
CIC | Chat In Character | Chat and Slang |