item | description | category | filter | more on... |
CTPA | California Travel and Park Association | Other/States-Local |
CTPA | Canberra Taxi Proprietors Association | Business/Firms |
CTPA | Caribbean Trade Partnership Act | Business/General |
CTPA | Central Texas Purchasing Alliance | Business/Firms |
CTPA | Centre Technique des Productions Animales | Medical/Veterinary |
CTPA | Centre Technologique des Produits Aquatiques | Business/Firms |
CTPA | Certified Transit Program Administrator | Business/Positions |
CTPA | Coax-to-Twisted-Pair Adapter | Uncategorized |
CTPA | Comprehensive Test of Psionic Aptitude | Edu./Psychology |
CTPA | Computed Tomographic Pulmonary Angiography | Medical/Physiology |
CTPA | Control Technology Professional Association | Business/Prof. Org. |
CTPA | Cosmetics Toiletry and Perfumery Association | Business/Prof. Org. |