item | description | category | filter | more on... |
DDT | Damian's Death Trap | Misc/Science Fiction |
DDT | Darn Dumb Thing | Uncategorized |
DDT | Dead Dangly Testicles | Medical/Laboratory |
DDT | Deflagration-To-Detonation Transition | Other/Transportation |
DDT | Dichloro Diphenyl Trichlorethane | Edu./Chemistry |
DDT | Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane | Edu./Chemistry |
DDT | Digital Data Transfer | IT/Networking |
DDT | Dillards, Inc., Capital Trust I | Business/General |
DDT | Dirty Dream Tonight | Chat and Slang |
DDT | Distributed Decision-aid Tool | Governmental/Military |
DDT | Don't Do That | Chat and Slang |
DDT | Drift Dash Technique | Governmental/Military |
DDT | Dynamic Debug For Trident | Edu./Electronics |
DDT | Dynamic Debugging Technique | IT/General |
DDT | Dynamic Debugging Tool | Uncategorized |
DDT | Dynamic Dns Tools | IT/Software |