item | description | category | filter | more on... |
KDS | Kamaran Downs, Queensland, Australia | Regional/Airport Codes |
KDS | Karate Do Shotokai | Radio Stations |
KDS | Key Data Structure | IT/Databases |
KDS | Kinematic Diagnosis System | Medical/Laboratory |
KDS | Kinetic Data Systems, Inc. | Business/Firms |
KDS | Kinetic Disintegration System | Governmental/Military |
KDS | Knee Deep Shag | Business/Products |
KDS | Knowledge Development System | IT/General |
KdS | Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SicherheitsDienst (Chief of SS and Police) | Governmental/Nazi Regime |
KDS | Korea Data Systems | Business/Firms |
KDS | Korean Data Systems | Business/Firms |