item | description | category | filter | more on... |
MMF | Fleet Minelayer (Minecraft, Minelayer, Fleet) | Misc/Ship Types |
MMF | Magnetive Motive Force | Edu./Electronics |
MMF | Magneto Motive Force | Edu./Physics |
MMF | MagnetoMotive Force | Uncategorized |
MMF | Mail Message File ( MicroSoft Mail) | IT/File Extensions |
MMF | Mail Message File ( MicroSoft Mail) | IT/File Extensions |
MMF | Make Money Fast [a type of spam] | Chat and Slang |
MMF | Make Money Fast scam | Uncategorized |
MMF | male bisexual, male bisexual, female sex | Uncategorized |
MMF | male+ male+ female | Uncategorized |
MMF | Male, Male, Female | Uncategorized |
MMF | MaxilloMandibular Fixation | Medical/Physiology |
MMF | Maximal midexpiratory flow | Medical/Physiology |
MMF | Memory Mapped File | IT/Databases |
MMF | Memory Mapping File | IT/General |
MMF | Mercy Med Flight | Non-Profit Organizations |
MMF | Minimal Marketable Feature | IT/Software |
MMF | Mobile Media Format | IT/General |
MMF | Modified Modified Format | IT/Software |
MMF | Moisture Moving Fabric | Business/Products |