item | description | category | filter | more on... |
MUSE | Manchester University - Second Engine (1956 computer) | Uncategorized |
MUSE | Medicated Urethral System For Erections | Medical/Physiology |
MUSE | Meditech Users Software Exchange | Uncategorized |
MUSE | Memory Upgrade And System Expansion | IT/General |
MUSE | Metropolitan University Scholar's Experience | Edu./Universities |
MUSE | Metropolitan University Scholars Experience | Edu./Universities |
MUSE | Micromuse, Inc. | Business/General |
MUSE | Multi User Shared Experience | Chat and Slang |
MUSE | Multi User Simulated Environment | IT/General |
MUSE | Multi-User Shared Environment | Uncategorized |
MUSE | Multiple Unified Simulation Environment | Governmental/Military |
MUSE | Museums User Survey Evaluation | Other/Museums |