item | description | category | filter | more on... |
NPT | National Park Trust | Non-Profit Organizations |
NPT | National Pdes Testbed | IT/Networking |
NPT | National Pipe Tapered | Misc/Plastics |
NPT | National Push Tournament | Radio Stations |
NPT | Network Planning Terminal | Governmental/Military |
NPT | Network Point Type | IT/Networking |
NPT | Newport, Rhode Island USA | Regional/Airport Codes |
NPT | Non Punch Through | Edu./Electronics |
NPT | Non- Proliferation Treaty | Governmental/Military |
NPT | Non-Programmable Terminal | Uncategorized |
NPT | Non-Punch Through | Uncategorized |
NPT | Normal pressure and temperature | Medical/Physiology |
NPT | Now Please Try | Chat and Slang |
NPT | Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty | Business/General |
NPT | Nuclear Power Training | Governmental/Military |
NPT | Nuveen Premium Income Municipal Fund 4 | Business/General |
NPT | Portland Terminal RailRoad Company ( Oregon) | Regional/Railroads |