item | description | category | filter | more on... |
OFT | Microsoft Outlook Item template | IT/File Extensions |
OFT | Microsoft Outlook Item template | IT/File Extensions |
OFT | New York State Office for Technology | Other/States-Local |
OFT | Odor Fighting Technology | Misc/Chess |
OFT | Odor Fighting Thread | Business/Products |
OFT | Office of Fair Trading | Business/General |
OFT | Ohio Federation of Teachers | Other/Unions |
OFT | Ojai Federation of Teachers, Local 2119 | Other/Unions |
OFT | Operation Fighting Tiger | Governmental/Military |
OFT | Operational Feasibility Test | Governmental/Military |
OFT | Orbital Flight Test | Governmental/NASA |
OFT | Outer Fix Time | Other/Transportation |
OFT | Overall Flow Time | Edu./Chemistry |