item | description | category | filter | more on... |
RCR | Registered Commodity Representative | Business/General |
RCR | Remote Command Request | Governmental/NASA |
RCR | Replica Catalog Redirection | IT/Software |
RCR | Responsible Conduct of Research | Edu./Universities |
RCR | Retrofit Configuration Record | Governmental/NASA |
RCR | Richard Childress Racing | Business/Firms |
RCR | River City Regiment | Non-Profit Organizations |
RCR | Rock Creek Ranch | Business/Firms |
RCR | Rotate through Carry Right | IT/Assembly |
RCR | Rotate through Carry Right (assembly language) | Uncategorized |
RCR | Royal Canadian Regiment | Governmental/Military |
RCR | Royal City Rockers | Radio Stations |
RCR | Royal College of Radiologists | Business/Prof. Org. |
RCR | Ruby Change Request | IT/Software |
RCR | Runway Condition Reading | Other/Transportation |