item | description | category | filter | more on... |
RSVP | Rapid Syndrome Validation Project | Business/General |
RSVP | Rapid Syntactic Visual Processing | Medical/Physiology |
RSVP | Really Sour Vicious Pickles | Misc/Food |
RSVP | Really Stupid Vasectomy Process | Uncategorized |
RSVP | Recycling Student Volunteer Project | IT/General |
RSVP | Refund Support Vocations Program | Chat and Slang |
RSVP | Register Students Via Phone | Edu./Universities |
RSVP | Repondez S'il Vous Plait [French for "please reply"] | Chat and Slang |
RSVP | Reports Scenario Verification Program | Governmental/Military |
RSVP | Resource Reservation Protocol | IT/Networking |
RSVP | Resource reSerVation Protocol | Uncategorized |
RSVP | Resource Reservation Protocol | IT/General |
RSVP | Respond Soon Via Phone | Chat and Slang |
RSVP | Responding Seems Very Pitiful | Chat and Slang |
RSVP | Responsible Student Volunteer Program | Edu./Universities |
RSVP | Retired and Senior Volunteer Program | Governmental/US Gov. |
RSVP | Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme | Edu./Universities |
RSVP | Revenue Sharing Value Plan | Business/General |
RSVP | Review Study Verbalize Preview | Edu./Universities |
RSVP | Revised Standard Version Please | Edu./Academic Degrees |