item | description | category | filter | more on... |
SLC | ERNO Spacelab Project Control | Governmental/NASA |
SLC | Salt Lake City | Other/States |
SLC | Salt Lake City International Airport | Other/Transportation |
SLC | Salt Lake City International Airport, Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Regional/Airport Codes |
SLC | Salt, Lettuce, and Cucumber | Misc/Food |
SLC | San Luis Central Railroad Company | Regional/Railroads |
SLC | Sarah Lawrence College | Edu./Universities |
SLC | Service Level Contract | IT/Telecom |
SLC | Settlement Lands Committee | Governmental/US Gov. |
SLC | Shitty Local Copper | Uncategorized |
SLC | Short Leg Cast | Medical/Physiology |
SLC | Shuttle Launch Complex (VAFB) | Governmental/NASA |
SLC | Sight Letter of Credit | Business/Accounting |
SLC | Single Layer Coating | Edu./Electronics |
SLC | Sistema De Liquidaci?n Compensaci?n | Business/General |
SLC | Small Logic Controller | IT/Hardware |
SLC | Smooth Like Chocolate | Misc/Food |
SLC | Software Life Cycle | Governmental/Military |
SLC | Sound Level Conversion | Edu./Electronics |
SLC | Soundtrack Listeners Communications | Business/Firms |