item | description | category | filter | more on... |
SMI | Sailor Moon Insanity | IT/File Extensions |
SMI | Sailor Moon Insanity | IT/File Extensions |
SMI | Salesian Missions, Inc. | Non-Profit Organizations |
SMI | Sami Languages | Regional/Language Code /3 |
SMI | Samos, Greece | Regional/Airport Codes |
SMI | Saturday Music, Inc. | Business/Firms |
SMI | School Meal Initiative | Edu./Schools |
SMI | Schott Musik International | Business/Firms |
SMI | Sensory Motor Integration | Medical/Physiology |
SMI | Seriously Mentally Ill | Medical/Physiology |
SMI | Service Motivation And Integrity | Governmental/Military |
SMI | Singular Medicare Index | Governmental/US Gov. |
SMI | Small And Medium Industries | Governmental/US Gov. |
SMI | Small and Medium Industries | Business/Firms |
SMI | Soldier- Machine Interface | Governmental/Military |
SMI | Some Main Ingredient | Misc/Food |
SMI | Specialty Measurements, Inc. | Business/Firms |
SMI | Sports Management International | Business/Firms |
SMI | Sports Management International | Radio Stations |
SMI | Springs Industries, Inc. | Business/General |