item | description | category | filter | more on... |
TFB | Morgan Stanley Dean Witter | Business/General |
TFB | Tactile FeedBack | Uncategorized |
TFB | Task Industries Flat Bench covering | Business/Products |
TFB | Tax Favored Benefits | Business/Stock Exchange |
TFB | Tax Favored Benefits, Inc. | Business/Firms |
TFB | Technology for Business | Business/Firms |
TFB | Tennessee Farm Bureau | Misc/Farming |
TFB | Texas Farm Bureau | Misc/Farming |
TFB | Thai Farmer Bank | Business/Firms |
TFB | The Forever Beyond | Chat and Slang |
TFB | Titanium Fluoropolymer Bottom-style immersion heater | Business/Products |
TFB | Tom Felton Boards | Business/Firms |
TFB | Tools For Bending | Business/Firms |
TFB | Total Force Branch | Governmental/Military |
TFB | Touch FootBall | Radio Stations |
TFB | Twat From Blue | Uncategorized |