item | description | category | filter | more on... |
TWA | Technical Web Administration | IT/Networking |
TWA | Technical Web Administrator | Business/Positions |
TWA | Teeny Weeny Afro | Misc/Chess |
TWA | Temporary Work Agencies | Business/Positions |
TWA | The Weird Animals | Medical/Veterinary |
TWA | The Wireless Association (former Cellular Telecommunciations and Internet Association) | Business/Prof. Org. |
TWA | The Wireless Association (former Cellular Telecommunciations and Internet Association) | Governmental/Politics |
TWA | The Wireless Association (former Cellular Telecommunciations and Internet Association) | IT/General |
TWA | The Wireless Association (former Cellular Telecommunciations and Internet Association) | IT/Telecom |
TWA | The World Awaits | Other/Religion |
TWA | The World's Airline | Other/Transportation |
TWA | Theory of Work Adjustment | Business/General |
TWA | Time Weight Average | Edu./Mathematics |
TWA | Time Weighted Average | Edu./Electronics |
TWA | Time-Weighted Average | Uncategorized |
TWA | Trans World Airlines | Business/Firms |
TWA | Trans World Airlines, Inc. | Business/General |
TWA | Transaction Work Area | IT/General |
TWA | Transaction Work Area | Uncategorized |
TWA | Transport and Works Act | Other/States-Local |