item | description | category | filter | more on... |
VFI | V- Formation, Inc. | Business/Firms |
VFI | Vehicle Finance Information | Business/General |
VFI | Vehicle Finance Information | Other/Transportation |
VFI | Venturi Fuel Injection | Other/Transportation |
VFI | Verification Flight Instrumentation | Governmental/NASA |
VFI | Very Funny Insight | Chat and Slang |
VFI | Veterans Foundation, Inc. | Non-Profit Organizations |
VFI | Video Furniture International | Business/Firms |
VFI | Viewed From Inside | Edu./Architecture |
VFI | Virtual Forwarding Instance | IT/Networking |
VFI | Visual fields intact | Medical/Physiology |
VFI | Visual Fitness Institute | Business/Firms |
VFI | Visual Flow Indicator | Business/Products |
VFI | Vocational Foundation, Inc. | Non-Profit Organizations |
VFI | Voice of the Fighting Irish | Edu./Universities |
VFI | Voices For Independence | Governmental/UN |
VFI | Volatile Free, Inc. | Business/Firms |
VFI | Volunteers For Israel | Non-Profit Organizations |