item | description | category | filter | more on... |
WOA | The Washington Officials Association | Business/Prof. Org. |
WOA | Wacken Open Air | Music |
WOA | Warbirds Of America | Other/Transportation |
WOA | Warbirds Of America | Governmental/Military |
WOA | Washington Office on Africa | Regional/African |
WOA | Washington Officials' Association | Radio Stations |
WOA | Web Of Addictions | Medical/Physiology |
WOA | Western Orthopaedic Association | Medical/Physiology |
WOA | Windows 3.x Swap file | IT/File Extensions |
WOA | Windows 3.x Swap file | IT/File Extensions |
WOA | Wire On Array | Edu./Electronics |
WOA | Wisconsin Optometric Association | Medical/Physiology |
WOA | Wonenara, Papua New Guinea | Regional/Airport Codes |
WOA | Work Of Art | Chat and Slang |
WOA | World Of Asphalt | Business/Firms |
WOA | World Olympians Association | Radio Stations |