item | description | category | filter | more on... |
SDB | Safe Deposit Box | Business/Accounting |
SDB | Saldanha Bay, South Africa | Regional/Airport Codes |
SDB | Salesian Of Don Bosco | Chat and Slang |
SDB | Scsi Disk B | Governmental/Military |
SDB | Shallow Draft Barge | Governmental/NASA |
SDB | Shallow Draft Board | Governmental/NASA |
SDB | Sleep Disordered Breathing | Medical/Physiology |
SDB | Small and Disadvantaged Businesses | Governmental/Military |
SDB | Society for Developmental Biology | Medical/Veterinary |
SDB | Spacecraft Data Base | Governmental/NASA |
sdb | symbolic debugger | IT/Unix Commands |
SDB | Systems Design Board | Governmental/Military |
SDB | Systems Development Branch | Edu./Ocean Science |